
WHW specialises in deriving maximum value from undevelopable land which may be constrained by Green Belt or other designations such as Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Project Description

A SANG is a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace and is similar to a country park albeit with a particular purpose: to reduce recreational pressures on sensitive habitats and protect the species therein.  Developers are required to demonstrate that proposals for new development would not result in harm to sites of European nature conservation importance either in isolation or in combination with other schemes or developments.

Natural England’s ‘Guidelines for the Creation of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space’ describes the required features, including:

  • A network of well-maintained footpaths offering circular Walks of 2.3 – 2.5km;
  • Car parks that are easily accessible, well-signposted and offer safe pedestrian routes;
  • Include open walking areas;
  • Variety of habitats;
  • Offer unrestricted access & space for dogs to exercise;
  • Semi-natural spaces with little intrusion of artificial structures; and
  • Desirable features include; gently undulating topography, open country character with areas of dense trees, scattered scrub or open water and focal points.

Over 14 hectares of Canford Park – Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace ( has already been released offering a variety of circular walks, semi-natural spaces to explore and a space for dogs to exercise. Once completed, Canford Park SANG will be a formal SANG of over 44 hectares and will protect the Dorset Heathlands, which are of European nature conservation importance and have been designated as a Special Protection Area, by providing an alternative location for outdoor activities.

Historic evidence and academic research have shown that the ability to enjoy green open space has a significantly positive correlation with mental well-being, strengthening immune systems and creating healthier and happier communities.

In addition, a Forestry Commission study showed that nearby well-managed green space could result in an average property premium of 2.6% to 11.3%.